Discount Program: “The Swift Probate Savings Plan”

At Dahl Law Group, we understand that probate cases can be time-consuming and costly, which is why we are committed to offering exceptional service at a fair price. To help ease the financial burden of probate, we are proud to offer 10% off statutory attorney’s fees for handling probate cases. We call this offer The Swift Probate Savings Plan, designed to provide you with quicker results and more value. Below, we explain the key benefits and terms of this program.

Why Most Attorneys Don’t Offer This Discount

Most people don’t realize that probate attorneys aren’t required to charge the full statutory fees allowed by law. While the law sets a maximum fee, it doesn’t mean we have to charge that amount. Many attorneys don’t disclose this and simply accept the statutory fee, often because they see probate as a “guaranteed payday.”

At Dahl Law Group, we believe in fairness and transparency, which is why we’re offering 10% off the statutory fees. Our approach is based on efficiency, experience, and delivering quality service.

Faster Case Management Mean Faster Payments

Many attorneys are content to drag out probate cases. The longer they work, the more they can justify the maximum statutory fee and request additional fees (they are referred to as extraordinary fees). This causes unnecessary delays for clients who need to finish their probate cases quickly. While there are deadlines in probate cases, they aren’t as strict, and often probate cases are touched last before other pressing matters, which delays the cases being closed.

Our process is different. We prioritize efficiency and have closed probate cases in as little as seven months when clients cooperate, and there are no third-party delays. This means you can receive your inheritance faster, without prolonged legal proceedings.

When Additional Charges May Apply

We pride ourselves on sticking to the 10% discount in almost every case. However, there are rare situations where the complexity of the case may require us to charge more than the statutory fee. This has happened in fewer than five instances out of over 100 probate cases we’ve handled, and each time, it was due to family disputes that created additional legal work.

As a part of our Swift Probate Savings Plan program, we only charge above the 10% discount if the actual time our attorneys and staff spend on the matter, multiplied by their hourly rates, exceeds the discounted fee. This is incredibly difficult to reach, and in almost all cases, the 10% discount stands.

Watch Out for Other Attorneys

Unfortunately, some attorneys may try to “milk” probate cases by deliberately extending the work involved, so they can charge more. At Dahl Law Group, we are committed to being transparent with our clients and providing efficient, reliable service without unnecessary delays.

Here are legal terms and conditions:

Terms and Conditions of “The Swift Probate Savings Plan” Discount:

  1. Eligibility: This 10% discount is available to all clients who engage Dahl Law Group to handle a probate case starting on September 15, 2024, and after. The discount applies only to statutory attorney’s fees based on California Probate Code section 10800.
  2. Scope: The discount is valid for probate matters where clients cooperate fully, provide all required information and documentation on time, and where no third-party delays occur (such as creditor disputes, tax issues, family member disputes, etc.).
  3. Complex Cases: If the total attorney and staff time (at their hourly rates) exceeds the statutory attorney’s fee, Dahl Law Group reserves the right to charge more than the discounted fee. This determination will only be made in exceptional cases and only if a probate case involves additional legal work (e.g., disputes among family members, litigation, or creditors).
  4. Standard Fee: The statutory fee is based on the value of the probate estate as per California law. The discount reduces this fee by 10%, unless the case complexity, as described above, requires additional fees.
  5. Payment Terms: Payment of attorney’s fees will be due as agreed upon in the attorney-client contract. The 10% discount will be reflected in the final billing, provided the conditions outlined here are met.
  6. Exclusions: The discount does not apply to expenses, filing fees, or other court costs associated with the probate process. It applies only to attorney fees.
  7. Good Faith Agreement: Dahl Law Group is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and will always communicate clearly if additional fees become necessary. If a client disputes the need for additional fees, they may request a breakdown of time spent on the matter to ensure transparency.