A bill working its way through the California Assembly would bring a significant change to notary public guidelines in our state – allowing for remote online notarization (RON). Assembly Bill 743 is the latest version of such a bill, with previous versions stalling at the committee stage.
California, in this case, is well behind the countrywide standard as 43 other states already have RON laws in effect at this time. In anticipation of the eventual passing of this bill, we want to help California businesses and individuals understand how the process would work and what it would mean for businesses.
What is Remote Online Notarization?
A RON law would allow entities to register with the California Secretary of State for online notary rights. This modernizes the notary public standards in our state and makes the process far more accessible and efficient.
A member of the organization seeking authorization would need to certify their compliance with the applicable laws in order to avoid discrepancies from notary to notary. If certification is received, the qualified entities would then be able to connect with people online by video and audio means to provide an official notary just the same as they would if they were working with an individual in person.
Expanding Access to Notaries is a Win for Both Sides
The implementation of Assembly Bill 743 would provide current and future notaries public with a greater ability to provide their services. These services come with a fee defined by state law. Allowing them to go online allows for more notarial events that not only bring in more money but move certain transactional processes along such as the sale or transfer of titles for real property.
For the people of California, convenience is the biggest advantage here. Soon, the days of fighting traffic and finding a time on the schedule that works for everyone just to get some documents notarized will be long gone.
For business owners, real estate investors, and the public as a whole, this bill is a perfect opportunity to move processes along without the hindrance of inconvenience and time. Expanding access to notary services also comes with a few caveats under the law that could result in greater penalties and fines if the new guidelines are not followed, so it’s important to understand the eventual law before acting.
At Dahl Law Group, we understand the importance of notary services. There are numerous business and property activities that require notarized signatures, so streamlining this allows our clients to avoid unnecessary expenses and time-wasting activities.For a law firm that’s always keeping up to date on important California laws and regulations, contact our team and make sure you’re equipped with the right knowledge to move forward with integrity.

Dahl Law Group