Taking care of your children is a crucial piece of estate planning. Most people focus on the asset protection and management portion of their plan, but properly establishing guardianship for your minor children cannot be taken for granted. People often do this by putting guardian designations in a will. We advise against this because a will does not take effect until after your death, meaning incapacity planning is Read More
Understanding Depreciation Recapture and How It’s Taxed
Asset management requires meticulous record-keeping and financial accounting as assets gain or lose value over time. When the time comes to move off high-value assets it’s imperative to consider the tax implications of these transactions. Implementing an effective tax strategy to get the most out of your money allows you to save cash while building on your investments. This also means paying close mind to the Read More
Revocable vs. Irrevocable: Which Trust is Right For You?
Do you have creditors chomping at the bit to get a piece of your hard work? Effective estate planning provides pathways to protecting your money and assets from those creditors with a heavy emphasis on the word effective. The structure of your estate plan will dictate the capabilities and benefits. We advise clients to move assets into trusts as opposed to leaving the management and distribution up to a simple will, Read More
What Are Common Law Trademarks?
Businesses need an effective intellectual property strategy, especially with modern technology making everyone’s hard work so easily accessible and, frankly, easily stolen. Small businesses can create significant value by utilizing trademarks and compiling a trademark portfolio that sets them apart from the competition. But, did you know there are actually situations where a mark will be automatically registered for Read More
Picking a Trustee for Your Trust Without Frustrating the Whole Family
Estate planning is a family affair. Not only from the standpoint of establishing a pathway for inheritances but also from the standpoint of selecting the right family members to manage assets and execute your plan. Trusts are an effective planning tool to manage, grow, and distribute assets within your estate plan. One of the vital aspects of effective planning is choosing the right trustee(s) to manage the trust and Read More
Why You Should Have a Financial Power of Attorney
The show goes on whether or not you are there to take part in it. There may come a day when you need to pay debts or make important financial or business decisions but are unable to do so because of incapacitation or being otherwise unavailable. This is why establishing a Financial Power of Attorney could be a key part of securing your future and your legacy. Who Needs a Financial Power of Attorney? A Financial Power Read More
Minimizing Capital Gains in the Sale of Your Business
When your business reaches the point of sale, there can be a point of pride in the work you have put in. You are being rewarded for that hard work through the value at the time of sale, but we can help you get even more value out of the sale of your business. You have grown your business to the point where other businesses or individuals find enough appeal to make an offer. When that offer comes, it can be easy to Read More
Selling Assets Into an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts (IDGT) can be highly effective tools to avoid heavy capital gains and estate tax burdens for anyone who owns high-value assets. While we already dove into the specifics of what these types of trusts are, it’s important to understand how to properly utilize them once established. Grantors of these trusts get the most out of them by selling expensive assets that have greatly Read More
What is an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust?
Effective estate planning involves utilizing all the necessary tools to not only protect the assets you have but also avoid unnecessary taxes whenever possible. Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts (IDGT) can accomplish this for individuals who hold high-value assets that have grown in value since the original date of purchase. This type of trust allows one’s assets to continue generating income while avoiding Read More
Understanding the California Probate Process
Probate often gets a bad name in regard to estate planning. Anytime the court gets involved in personal or family matters, it creates some tension about what will happen next. During the administration of an estate, California courts will supervise and, at times, dictate the transfer of assets from the decedent to heirs and beneficiaries. The court must also set deadlines for creditors to make claims against the Read More