Exiting your business isn’t a decision to be made lightly. It may have been something you were considering before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, or it could have been something that you’ve had to reckon with because of shelter-in-place orders. Maybe your business had already been struggling, and you’ve had to come to terms with your financial struggles due to long-term closures and loss of revenue. Or perhaps you want to Read More
Don’t Let Diminished Financial Capacity Put Your Elderly Loved Ones At Risk—Part 1
With more and more Baby Boomers reaching retirement age each year, our country is undergoing an unprecedented demographic transformation that’s been dubbed “The Greying of America”. This population shift stands to affect many aspects of life, especially your relationships with aging parents and other senior family members. By 2060, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 Read More
Buyer Beware: The Hidden Dangers of DIY Estate Planning—Part 2
Given how far web-based technology has evolved, you might think online legal document services like LegalZoom and WillsandTrusts.com have advanced to the point where they’re a suitable alternative to having your estate plan prepared by a lawyer. After all, you’ve been able to prepare and file your taxes online for years, so what makes estate planning so much different? Aren’t lawyers using the very same forms you Read More
7 Events That Necessitate a Review of Your Estate Plan
Even if you put a totally solid estate plan in place, it can end up proving worthless if it’s not properly updated. Estate planning is not a one-and-done type of deal: it should continuously evolve along with your life circumstances. No matter who you are, your life will inevitably change - families change, laws change, assets change, and goals change. In the absence of any major life events, we recommend Read More
Another Way to Fund Your Business through the CARES Act
You may have heard the news that there have been 3 million applications for SBA loans through the recent CARES Act, to the point that the Act has reached its funding limit of $349 billion. Round 2 of funding is all but exhausted already. As a business owner who may have applied for the $10,000 EIDL grant only to later find it is actually $1,000 per employee, or a PPP loan that didn’t get funded before the money ran Read More
Buyer Beware: The Hidden Dangers of DIY Estate Planning—Part 1
Do a Google search for “online estate planning documents”, and you’ll find dozens of different websites. From LegalZoom and Willing.com to Rocket Lawyer and Willandtrust.com, these do-it-yourself (DIY) planning services might seem like an enticing bargain. The sites let you complete and print out just about any kind of planning document you can think of—wills, trusts, health care directives, and powers of Read More
Save Money on Taxes By Crafting an Accountable Plan
If you’re like most entrepreneurs these days, you are looking for every possible way to save money so your company can stay afloat and make it through these difficult times. We encourage you to take advantage of and (quickly) apply to every relief option offered by the state and federal government. On your own, you should look at a number of tax-reduction strategies; this blog will take a look at one of these Read More
Are You Clear About How Your Parents’ Estate Plan Will Impact You?
Do your parents have an estate plan? Is it up to date? No matter how rich or poor you or your parents are, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to be asking these and several other questions. When your parents become incapacitated or die, their affairs will become your responsibility, and it will be impossible to ask them to clarify anything. So, if you do not know whether or not they have estate Read More
Business Contracts in the Time of Coronavirus
As everyone’s lives are upended due to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping every corner of the world, business as usual seems almost impossible. For example, what about that seemingly rock-solid business contract you signed last fall? Performing as specified under it seems almost impossible now. So, what are business owners and managers like you supposed to do? To provide a bit of guidance in these uncertain times, we Read More
How To Talk To Your Team About Covid-19 and Get Them Working Efficiently from Home
There isn’t a single person who isn’t impacted by the spread of COVID-19, in some way. With the sheer number of businesses, public spaces, and school closings, we are all finding ourselves in positions we very likely have not planned for very well. This is a time unlike any other that we have experienced, and we’re seeing it hit the job market in a big way. Thousands of people have been laid off across the Read More