Although you can invest in many different types of insurance to protect your business from lawsuits and other liabilities, one of the greatest liabilities you simply can’t avoid, especially if you are the sole owner of your business, is your incapacity or death. To make certain that your business—and the income it generates for your family—would continue to run smoothly when something happens to you, you need to Read More
The Basics of Controlled Group 401(k) Plans
Employers that match 401(k) contributions by employees often have an easier time hiring and retaining key talent. Entrepreneurs with controlling or significant ownership interests in more than one company or trade might have a difficult time keeping track of the 401(k) plan for each business. If, however, the associated companies pass one of four complex ownership tests, the owner(s) may offer all employees the same Read More
Just Married? 6 Estate Planning Essentials for Newlyweds – Part 1
As we head into the peak of wedding season, if you are a newlywed or are about to tie the knot, add “estate planning” to your do list. And yes, we imagine that at this happiest time of your life, planning for your potential incapacity and eventual death is probably the farthest thing from your mind right now, but getting it handled as part of your wedding planning is the greatest gift you can give your soon-to-be Read More
New Rules For Deducting Meal and Entertainment Expenses
Taking your clients out to dinner or to a sporting event can be a great way to get to know the people with whom you are doing business and help you develop a closer relationship. Plus, business-related meals and entertainment can be a legitimate business expense (with some exceptions) that you can deduct from your company’s income taxes. That said, the rules for deducting meal and entertainment expenses from your Read More
The Basics of Corporate Governance
Corporations are not always some huge, multinational company with billions of dollars in profits and CEOs with multimillion-dollar salaries. Plenty of first-time business owners choose to form a corporation for personal liability protection and in accordance with their entrepreneurial goals. It is also common for LLC members to convert their companies to corporations in order to take on outside funding. Whatever Read More
6 Things You Should NOT Include In Your Will
A will is one of the most basic estate planning tools. While relying solely on a will is rarely a suitable option for most people, just about every estate plan includes this key document in one form or another. A will is used to designate how you want your assets distributed to your surviving loved ones upon your death. If you die without a will, state law governs how your assets are distributed, which may or Read More
What You Should Know About Long-Term Care Insurance
With people living longer than ever before, more and more seniors require long-term healthcare services in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. However, such care is extremely expensive, especially when it’s needed for extended periods of time. Traditional healthcare insurance doesn’t cover such services, and though Medicare does pay for some long-term care, it's quite limited, difficult to qualify for, Read More
How to Pay Yourself as the Owner of an LLC
One of the most exciting parts of owning a business is that you get to pay yourself. No longer forced to rely on someone else’s leadership to keep your company running or their good graces to pay you what you want or need, you get to decide how much you earn, how much you work, and reap the rewards of your best efforts. And yet, many business owners don’t pay themselves, or rely on inconsistent income, to support Read More
Choosing a Trustee For Your Estate Plan
You will have at least one person (if not multiple people) involved in the disposition of your assets in your estate plan. This could be the executor of your Last Will and Testament, Health Care Directive agent, or trustee. The job of a trustee is multifaceted and is not for everyone, but the position is vital for countless estate planners and beneficiaries. Without an effective trustee, your assets might not go to Read More
The Ins and Outs of Forming Your Business Outside Your Home State
It’s a popular myth that it’s always best to form your business in a business-friendly state, like Delaware, Wyoming, or Nevada in order to save on taxes, benefit from increased privacy, and possibly have an easier time raising capital. However, for many businesses, incorporating in these states is completely unnecessary—and it may even cost your company in the long run. Let’s break it down here, so you can make the Read More